Masks and PPE for Hawaii's Heroes

Masks and PPE for Hawaii's Heroes

Hawaii community leaders have come together to fill the need for masks to essential workers in Hawaii. This effort is to provide masks for private doctor offices, nursing homes, smaller health care facilities, and others at the front lines who do not have the means to compete for supplies. We are also including grocery store workers, delivery drivers, and restaurant workers, as these necessary businesses serve and interact with hundreds of concerned citizens each day.

Masks and PPE for Hawaii's Heroes
Saving Hawaii Jobs and Businesses Webinar

Saving Hawaii Jobs and Businesses Webinar

The CARES Act provides financial relief to businesses, 501(c)(3) organizations, self-employed individuals, and independent contractors. The most prominent relief comes through a $350B program whereby the federal government will pay for 8 weeks of essential expenses such as payroll and rent to carry businesses through this difficult period.


Please feel free to use the resources on our public Google Drive, including the most recent update to our memo for employers, a Q&A based on questions we have been receiving, and sample forms. You can access the Google Drive here:

We are also housing the recordings of our webinars and webinar updates on a YouTube channel. You can access those recordings here:

Finally, due to the volume of inquiries, we are trying to consolidate updates into e-mail blasts. If you would like to be updated by e-mail, please sign-up here:

If you any other questions feel free to send them to

Saving Hawaii Jobs and Businesses Webinar